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Land of Troubadours Festival 2024. Castelló d'Empuries

6, 7 en 8 september

On the second weekend of September, Castelló d'Empúries goes on a thrilling journey back in time to the Middle Ages.
The Land of Troubadours Festival transforms the town into a great cultural and festive venue as it relives its mediaeval splendour.
As if by magic, Castelló d'Empúries once again becomes the capital of the county of Empúries. Knights show off their skills as they fight for their honour in the mediaeval tournament. The Palace of the Counts and the convent of Sant Domènec host a mediaeval supper at which hundreds of diners dressed in period costume enjoy wonderful shows. The streets are alive with music and performances for everyone, featuring troubadours, travelling entertainers, jugglers and jesters. In the mediaeval market held in the historical centre, residents and visitors mill around the stalls of artisans and traders, where purchases are even made with reproductions of ancient coins.
The main activities are complemented by workshops, talks, exhibitions, guided tours and other options for enjoying a town whose mediaeval past as county capital is still very much in evidence today in its narrow streets, old walls, historical buildings and many other hidden corners. There could be no better setting for the Land of Troubadours Festival, an exceptional cultural event that has been held every year since 1991 and that forms part of our historical and collective memory.


More information :


¡¡ Do not miss this festival if you are staying with  APART-RENT in Empuriabrava !!




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